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Humanities - History and Geography

Curriculum Intent for Geography and History

In line with our whole school values, our teaching and learning in humanities is driven in many ways: 

- Aspirational – possibilities – all pupils will be exposed to a range of opportunities in which their awareness of their local history will be raised. This includes the children understanding significant figures and moments that have changed the way their local area and country has developed over time.  

- Nurture – inclusivity/diversity – all pupils will be nurtured to access the curriculum through carefully directed support and adaptation where necessary. The diversity of the community both past and present will be explored by all pupils to enjoy and appreciate their locality.  

- Curiosity – community – children will build curiosity within humanities through regular asking and answering of question, active use of working walls and knowledge organisers that offer a guide to learning. Entry points, including trips, are integral to building curiosity within pupils.  

- Collaboration – oracy – all humanities lessons involve regular opportunities for discussion, in which all children are encouraged to regularly share their views, listen to others views and learn through talk. Presentational oracy is used in end points across the curriculum.  

Geography and History are taught as discrete subjects based on a bespoke curriculum developed for Halifax pupils with carefully planned progression across key themes. In some topics, children may be developing history skills in a predominantly geography unit or geography skills in a history unit. This is explained to pupils. The topics that are covered for humanities are generally the theme for the term in different year groups and in some cases, for example in English lessons, the humanities topic will be used as stimulus for writing.

Curriculum Map

Impact – What our pupils say about humanities at Halifax

In all subjects at Halifax, we have Quality of Education reviews where our pupils share their learning and experiences in different subjects. Below is just a small sample of what our Halifax pupils think about our geography and history lessons and experiences.

Kaden in Year 5 says “I enjoy gathering information and researching. I like using the Chrome books and then sharing findings.”
Bianca in Year 5 said, “I have enjoyed learning strategies to find locations including using grid references.”
Logan in Year 6 said, “I enjoyed learning about Arras, our twinned town, and that part of history.”
Amelia in Year 2 said, “In history, I liked learning about who has travelled to the moon.”
George in Year 2 said, “I like learning about the oceans and finding out facts.”