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Encouraging Good behaviour

Halifax School is a nurturing and caring environment for our children. Standards of behaviour are high and are frequently commented upon by visitors and  when we are out and about on trips. We value parental support in maintaining good behaviour in school. A system of rewards and consequences operates in school to support and encourage appropriate behaviour whilst teaching children that certain behaviours are unacceptable. There are clear rules in school, as set out in our Team Halifax Code, that are regularly discussed with the children. There are many reward systems in place which are used to help encourage appropriate behaviour, such as stickers, house points, golden time and class rewards. There are also clear consequences which are applied should children choose not to follow the rules. Should a child misbehave the class teacher will deal with the matter firmly but fairly. More serious incidents will usually involve discussion with Mrs Sarah Barnes, our Learning Mentor, and a member of the Senior Leadership Team.  Parents are also asked to visit the school so that concerns can be discussed and solutions to problems arrived at by the joint involvement of parents and teachers.

Under the Education Act 1996 and following a recent DfES Circular, we have to inform you that authorised staff in school may use reasonable force to control